Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The First

I have considered starting a blog for sometime but never quite felt like I had anything noteworthy enough to put out there. I read so many blogs on so many different topics, travel, adoption, food, books and reading lists but what would I have to say about any one of those subjects for any length of time. I love to travel but other than the upcoming honeymoon; have no plans to do so. We enjoy our foster baby immensely but she will be adopted by a family in PA this summer and we will only have updates via Facebook. I love to cook but I tend to be not quite as adventurous as the recipes I see featured in so many of my favorite blogs. I read incessantly but do I have an opinion on those books that anyone else would want to read? Not to mention the pictures they post...does everyone who has a blog have special photography skills too?! But... But...But and the self doubt sets in.

Recently, an old colleague of mine stopped by my new office and asked if I was still writing. Writing? Professionally, no. I was the Communications Director and the Editor in Chief of a State trade magazine (award winning!) for years and we worked together on a number of articles. She then asks about writing personally? She says "You've got talent, you should keep it up." Really? Talent? Me? Writing? Not a sentence I ever expected to hear however it really got me thinking.  An author I will never be BUT maybe there is something to this blog thing. It's an opportunity for me to keep a journal of sorts, however public or private this may be. It may be my opportunity to chronicle my thoughts and feeling on things that are changing right now. Which it seems everyday more is changing than staying the same. Maybe it can be a bit of therapy, a bit of adventure, a bit of self reflection. And I love all the mommy blogs, maybe one day I will be among them.

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