Friday, June 22, 2012

Book clubs?

Where are they? How do you find one? Or set one up?

I would give just about anything to belong to a book club with my peers. But where do these elusive clubs advertise? Do they exist? I have heard that they do but I can't seem to find one anywhere.  A old co-worker of mine said that she used to belong to a book club who's motto was "Our book club can drink your book club under the table." Ha! Now that is a book club I can hang with.
I know that my cousin's mother in law has a book club, but do I really want to crash a club of retired teachers and librarians? Perhaps not.
I have googled 'til my fingers are numb looking for a book club but to no avail. I have found an occasional online book club but I have found the discussions are clumsy and I don't feel that they build the camaraderie around books that I would like.

You see, I ADORE books. Really. I can't get enough of them. I am always in the middle of several, at the same time. And I usually have an audio book in the car to help pass the time in my commute.

We have a very large bookshelf in the spare bedroom overloaded with books, each shelf has a line of books two deep. When we finally got the bookshelf in the house (through the second story window!) and I loaded my books onto it, my ever clever fiance says "the library is now open." We live in a very small farm town, without a dedicated library. I would love to have enough books to suffice as a small town library. Just having them near me makes me happy and content.

I have considered a time or two to host one at my house but I am not sure that I would have enough people willing to drive at least 30 minutes each way to my house. And would they like the books that I picked? I have an eclectic library and I wouldn't want to read only one genre. Would we have enough attendance to make it worthwhile?

But what fun I would have! The food, small bites to be passed around, wine to be sampled, made in Michigan of course, and books to be discussed! I would be in heaven. I can imagine the many recipes I could try out. Fiance is not very adventurous when it comes to food so I would have an audience to try out all of these dishes I have saved but have been not allowed to serve.

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