Tippy Tumbleweed and Ace Fender Bender! Tippy is slightly larger now but we hope Ace catches up. They had a breathing problem for several days. Tippy in particular really seemed to be under the weather.
Yesterday was brutally hot (97 degrees!) and we were very worried that it might make their condition worse. We gave them a healthy dose of antibiotic two days before and I am hoping that it's starting to kick in. They did seem to be better last night but we have more hot weather on the way.
Hang in there guys!
This weekend we will have our 2nd annual 4th of July barbeque! (3rd annual for the Brunks and me) I am really excited. I hope that we are able to keep this tradition going for a long time. I so enjoy the summer and I feel it's our best opportunity to really enjoy the space we have.
We will barbeque for dinner, hopefully play a few games (ladder ball). Next year I hope to have bean bag toss as well. I really like that game. And then fireworks and a bon fire for smores. This is probalby my favorite part of the barbeque. Everyone is sitting and relaxing.
My goal is to take a number of pictures. I love to have pictures of these but never seem to take the time to grab the camera and start shooting. I hope to change that this year.
I have decided to up the ante this year and make a great 4th of July inspired cake. Here's what it is supposed to look like:
Cool, huh? With a little luck we may dine on something that resembles this artwork. And cake with homemade cream cheese frosting will put everyone in a patriotic mood right?!