Monday, June 29, 2015

It's been awhile...

I gave up this blog a long time ago. I thought I had nothing of interest to tell the world, but its always been there in the back of my mind. I find myself asking if I should come back? But for what? I don't really have anything BIG to discuss, and yet there are all of these little things that I feel should be documented. And the truth is I do have BIG things to document, my baby and my life, my career change and our farming business that started so humbly. But these BIG changes happened in small increments, so where is the starting point for me to diary these happenings?

I've gone back to read my few posts from before marriage, before baby, almost a different version of myself. I love reading those, a glimpse into what I was thinking at that time and the truth is, I enjoy writing and I am proud of what I have put down on paper, so to speak. And yet here we are more than 2 years later and the void seems to vast to bridge. Despite that, I am going back to documenting our little lives. If not for anyone but myself. A digital diary, if you will.

At best, it will be a space where I can journal and keep notes from mommyhood and the amazing growth our family has experienced in the first year of being a true family with my Isaac.

I hope to update weekly, with my musings, plans, updates on my amazing boy and his growth.

So there will be more. Published or unpublished, there will be more.

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