Monday, July 2, 2012

4th of July, part 1

And it was good!

We had about 13 people to our house on Saturday for our annual 4th of July party and everyone seemed to have a really good time, including me! Lots of great barbeque food, plenty of new desserts to try, fireworks and bon fires, oh my!

So that my 4th of July parties don't turn stale, I have decided to introduce new things each year. This year my inspiration came from a Blog and Pinterest dessert I found.

Here is what it's supposed to look like:

This is from, a foodie blog that is quickly becoming my fave.

This is how my version looks:

Not as neat and tidy, but just as tasty! Considering it was about 150 degrees in my kitchen, I was happy that it stayed together as well as it did.
Note to self: when you try to make cakes in a heat wave, clear space in the refrigerator or freezer and chill all elements before assembling.

It was a pretty big hit at the party and everyone loved the cream cheese frosting. (I was skeptical at first about using it, I am glad I stayed true to the recipe.) And now Farmer has lots of plans for other cakes that can be enhanced with this frosting.

Here are a few highlights from the day.
My niece was very excited to meet Tippy and Ace for the first time.
My other niece enjoyed the cake immensely while sitting on my lap.

She enjoyed it so much she refused to relinquish her fork for some time.

And what's the 4th without a bit of art.

And we will do it again on Wednesday, July 4th on a much smaller scale, just a few co-workers over for an afternoon.

Did I mention this may be my favorite Holiday? Just don't tell Christmas.